Newsletter Juni - weißensee kunsthochschule berlin (Engl.)

Newsletter June 24

Dear readers

Be honest! How many items of new clothing did you allow yourself to buy last year? If it was around 60, then that is the average. Indeed, the annual cost per capita of our consumption of clothing is 155 kilos of raw materials, 25,600 litres of water and 172 square metres of land. Moreover, it is now widely known that the fast fashion industry also leads to social exploitation and generates considerable quantities of greenhouse gases. Accordingly, people are increasingly willing to change their consumer behaviour. However, to turn good intentions into good deeds, social and sustainable innovations with outstanding design are needed. With the development of new materials, the weissensee school of art and design berlin and greenlab have been playing a pioneering role in this area for years now. Currently, seven projects from the course of study Textile and Material Design are presenting visionary solutions to this problem in the exhibition “New clothes for the future” at the Futurium. Do pay a visit and be inspired.

We also warmly recommend to you the Mart Stam exhibition in the Pankow Gallery, which is showing new perspectives in the field of art and design. Under the title “Even then”, seven graduates who were awarded the Mart Stam Prize in 2023 provide fascinating insights into their outstanding end-of-course assignments. We would also like to invite you to what is a true exhibition marathon of fine art. In the exhibition “FOOL’S PARADISE”, 32 students of painting deal with the idea of paradise as a place where everything seems to be possible. In “Two Sides of the Coin”, 26 students of sculpture provide what are in part personal and in part humorous insights into their artistic development. Finally, the exhibition “Pferdekuss” shows – with a knowing smile and as a homage or as an undying declaration of love – the horse in all possible formats.

You can read in the newsletter below about all the other things we have on offer in June.

Your weissensee school of art and design berlin

Lectures and discussions
Lecture by Jakob Timpe
What are the principles of product design that can be taught today in view of a definition of design that has become increasingly diffuse? Under the title “Knowledge that is felt. On Principles in Product Design”, which is part of the series of public lectures “see – ander(e)s sehen”, Jakob Timpe will provide insights into his teaching approach and practical work as a product designer in the assembly hall of the university at 5 pm on 5 June 2024. With his design label vondingen, Jakob Timpe designs furniture, lighting and interior and external spaces for European clients. In 2023, he was given a professorship at the weissensee school of art and design berlin.
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In this series of lectures, outstanding stage and costume designers from the fields of film and theatre present both their work and way of working. Following an inspiring start in May with the stage and costume designer Christian Schmidt, the Department of Stage and Costume Design is inviting the public to two further lectures in June. On 13 June, our guest presenter will be the renowned director and stage designer Ulrich Rasche. He will be followed on 20 June by the winner of multiple awards, the stage designer Annette Kurz. Both lectures start at 5.30 pm in lecture room C1.05.
"Two Sides of the Coin“
The exhibition “Two Sides of the Coin” is devoted to works that were created in the artists’ youth and shows other works that are a response to them. Are these newer works a copy, an echo, a representation? In a mix of collective installation and individual presentation, the 26 artists from the class of Albrecht Schäfer and Tomke Braun provide what are in part personal and in part humorous insights into their artistic development in the exhibition “Two Sides of the Coin”. The exhibition opens at 7 pm on 7 June 2024 in the Salon am Moritzplatz, Oranienstraße 58, Berlin-Kreuzberg and can be seen until 14 June 2024.
"Horse’s Kiss“
Horses are a popular and frequently used motif in art – at the weissensee school of art and design berlin too. In the corridors and studios of the painting building, new portrayals of these animals appear almost every week. Many of these are so accomplished that no one thinks of asking the question “Why?”. Yet there remains the desire to stage an exhibition that is a fair reflection of all this creativity. From 7 to 17 June 2024, these pictures can now be seen in the project room of the Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien. The exhibition opens at 6 pm on 7 June 2024.
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The Nasan Tur class at the Braunschweig University of Art and the master’s course in spatial strategies at the weissensee school of art and design berlin have collaborated on the exhibition project “UNADORNED” and will be showing their artistic creations in the Kunsthalle at Hamburger Platz from 14 to 16 June 2024. The exhibition will be accompanied by performances, workshops and lectures which will enrich the dialogue between the two universities and are to be developed further next semester in Braunschweig. Read more
This group exhibition of painting deals with the idea of paradise as a place in which everything seems to be possible: “It is too much for us, makes us act foolishly and stretches us to our limits”. In their works, the 32 students of painting position themselves between doubt, ballast and utopia. "FOOL’S PARADISE" can be seen from 14 June to 30 June 2024 in the
Kunstpunkt Berlin – a gallery for contemporary art in Schlegelstraße 6, Berlin-Mitte. The exhibition opens at 7 pm on 13 June. 
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“Even Then”
In 2023, seven graduates of the weissensee school of art and design berlin were awarded the Mart Stam Prize. Under the title “Even Then”, the prize-winners will be presenting their outstanding end-of-course assignments from 21 June to 7 July 2024 in the Pankow Gallery, Breite Straße 8. The exhibition provides an insight into current artistic standpoints as well as visionary solutions in the design disciplines. The exhibition opens at 7 pm on Thursday, 20 June 2024. Read more
“New clothes for the future”
Buy – use – throw away. This is often the fate of many products in our times. Particularly textiles have an enormous impact on the climate and the environment. Students in the Department of Textile and Material Design have been giving thought to how this situation can be changed and have developed innovative, environmentally friendly materials. Their ideas for a better future can now be seen in the Futurium.
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