Dear readers

The end of the semester is approaching – usually a time to catch our breath. However, the shortsighted and unjust policies of the Berlin Senate currently leave us no room for respite. The struggle for urgently needed funding and the fight for the future viability of our university and for Berlin as a hub for science and research continues. “Do we matter to you?” ask our students on the banners that are already prepared in the foyer for the next demonstration on 22 February 2025.

A response from the Berlin Senate is still pending. On 23 January 2025, the Senate invited the university administration to talks regarding the renegotiation of the 2024–2028 university contract. However, a clear course of action has yet to emerge. The decision on the actual amount to be cut may be delayed until summer. This is disastrous, as we need planning security for at least the current fiscal year.

The effects of these budget cuts are dramatic and are already forcing us to adopt drastic measures in the areas of diversity, digitisation, training and professional development, and collaboration. Of course, the list of affected areas is much longer than this.

For these reasons, the Academic Senate unanimously adopted a statement on 22 January 2025 calling for the Berlin Senate to reverse the cuts, citing the university’s precarious financial situation, which has persisted since the turn of the millennium. The resolution also calls on the university administration to “examine all legal options and, if necessary, take legal action”.

Last but not least, there is also some good news. We are continuing our work. With exhibitions, publications and panels, we warmly invite you to join us in envisioning a better future. Read more about it below in our newsletter.

Your weissensee school of art and design berlin

12 to 15 February 2025, Modulor Box, Berlin

For over 2,000 years, paper has been used to store and distribute knowledge, shaping numerous cultural techniques. However, with technological advancements, it has increasingly been replaced by digital media. Yet, its properties, practicality, and longevity remain unique.

How can the benefits of paper and digital systems be combined? How can physical-digital interactions emerge that support human abilities in processing, storing, and transmitting information?

As part of the CodingIXD project Paper: Drive, students of Computer Science (FU Berlin) and Product Design (weissensee school of art and design berlin) are developing neo-analogue artefacts that combine physical and digital potentials to create new applications.The project is part of the MoA Design Research Studio of the excellence cluster Matters of Activity.

The project results will be showcased in a final exhibition from 12 to 15 February in the Modulor Box.

MoA Design Research Studio: Scaling Nature (4) – Tiles and Tissue
12 to 19 February 2025, foyer of the weissensee school of art and design berlin

Tessellated structures can be found on various scales in nature. As a form strategy, they enable functions such as movement, protection, growth or adaptation – in plants as well as in animals. These geometrically modular surfaces are also present in our built environment. They allow for assembly, repair, and disassembly while providing stability or flexibility as needed.

As part of the excellence cluster Matters of Activity. Image Space Material, the Design Research Studio Scaling Nature (4) – Tiles and Tissues took place during the winter semester. In a collaboration between the Department of Textile and Material Design and the Biomaterials Institute of the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, students developed new material concepts for spatial applications based on natural strategies. The resulting design concepts range from optical screens and modular furniture to climate-active building envelopes.

The exhibition opens on 11 February at 5.30 pm in the foyer of the weissensee school of art and design berlin. It will be open daily from 12 to 19 February between 9 am and 7 pm.

Salty Water
21 to 23 February 2025, Kunsthalle at Hamburger Platz, Berlin

As part of the seminar “Navigating Grief in Creative Practice” led by Lerato Shadi (Spatial Strategies), the exhibition Salty Water explores the complexity of collective grief. It examines how loss shapes our identity and experiences, and shows that grief, as a communal phenomenon, extends far beyond individual experience.

The exhibition engages with the power of remembering – an experience that can be both painful and healing. Salty Water highlights the deep connection between love and loss, a central theme in the exhibited works.

The exhibition opens on 21 February 2025 at 7 pm in the Kunsthalle at Hamburger Platz with a performance by Moa May. It will be open on 22 and 23 February from 2 pm to 6 pm.

Art Education (is always a) Political Practice
Ed. Anisha Gupta Müller

This publication was created as part of the ARTIS project (Art and Research on the Transformation of Individuals and Societies). It documents pedagogical approaches against oppression in art schools and presents a variety of methods and materials from teaching that can be further developed and applied in different contexts.

A particular focus is placed on collaborative work.The collective moments and exchanges with political researchers and artists in Berlin are extensively documented. The publication contains texts, a scientific essay and images, which serve to illustrate and visualise the teaching materials. Original artworks by students, contributions from invited guests, and photographic documentation of the course complement the material.

Anisha Gupta Müller was a scientific-artistic associate in the EU-ARTIS project at the weissensee school of art and design berlin from 2022 to 2025 and is the editor of the publication.

STS Hub 2025 – Diffracting the Critical
11 to 14 March 2025 at the Humboldt University Berlin

STS Hub is a conference on interdisciplinary Science & Technology Studies (STS). Judith Marlen Dobler, visiting professor for Performative Design Research at the weissensee school of art and design berlin and the “Matters of Activity” cluster, is participating in the conference with three contributions. As co-moderator of the panel “Tools in and for Design Ethnography – Stories from the Field”, she explores field research conducted with and by designers. With the exhibition contribution “Design by Diffraction”, she presents drawings from the laboratory. And in a poster presentation, she also introduces her approach to linking design theory and diffraction practice.

STS Hub 2025 takes place from 11 to 14 March 2025 at the Humboldt University Berlin and combines conferences, workshops, exhibitions, and film screenings. The panel on design ethnography is scheduled for Friday, 14 March 2025 from 9 am to 3.30 pm. The poster session will take place on Wednesday, 12 March 2025 from 2 pm to 3.30 pm.